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Calvin's Journal

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Calvin Lamont Mitchell is an Author, Podcaster and Public Speaker with 25 years of experience in Information Technology, 26 years of experience in Music and 35 years of experience with Jesus Christ. Investing 35 years in the research, study, teaching and preaching of the Holy Scriptures, Calvin and his wife Sondra exposit Divine Truth to audiences crossing both denominational and nondenominational boundaries. Calvin brings fresh light to the foundational doctrines of the Christian Faith and has a testimony that exalts the Person and Divinity of Jesus Christ Calvin has authored 9 books on Christian discipleship, theology and wisdom and lives with his Wife in Cherokee County, SC.


The Narrow Way  -  IMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire  -  Letters from God

Once Saved, Always Saved  -  The Book of Tweets - The Basics and More

The Traveler's Oasis Books I, II & III


The Narrow Way  -  IMMUNITY to the Lake of Fire  -  Letters from God

Once Saved, Always Saved  -  The Book of Tweets - The Basics and More

The Traveler's Oasis Books I, II & III

Speech Topics (sample)

Development that is PERSONAL

Men and the Church

Will the REAL GOD Please...

The Personal Development / Self-Improvement / Self-Help industry is a multi-billIon dollar market. Everyone with spare change is buying books, videos, coaching time and conference seats to lay hold of that secret sauce that will make them healthier, stronger, wiser, smarter and wealthier...Calvin addresses the challenges of personal development and lays the Foundation for a life that is not only fulfilling, but Eternal.

The low attendance of church by men exposes a deep-seated attitude towards religion. Calvin presents an alternative approach that unites spirituality, culture, business and government... reflecting the Society of Heaven.

Today's churches are plagued with ideas about God that are just not true. This is due not only to widespread ignorance of what the Bible says, but also what the Bible means (how Its statements are  interpreted)! Calvin bypasses the religious jargon and leads audiences to the Heart of the Bible's Message!

Religion and the Secular Arena

Efforts to reintroduce the Bible into public schools and religion into government and business have  been met with resistance and controversy. Separation of church and state is enforced by law to promote diversity and inclusion. Calvin addresses these issues with a fresh idea: the Bible does NOT promote religion, but a new kind of government!

The Gospel Truth

Do you truly understand the Path to Immortality? Could you explain Salvation to a child in a way that he/she would understand and GLADLY receive it? Calvin brings illumination to the battle between the Gospel of Christ's Kingdom and religion, and demonstrates how EASY it can be to find and enjoy Eternal Life!

Now I Lay Me Down...

The Source of a vibrant Faith is effectual, fervent Prayer. There are as many philosophies of Prayer as there are stars in the sky. Calvin leads audiences into his own prayer closet, opening minds and hearts to a fresh Biblical perspective on the Topic.

       Author | Speaker One Sheet

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