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Calvin's Journal

Calvin Mitchell
May 17, 20192 min read
Your Pastorship
The Bible likens the Church of Jesus Christ to an assembly, a body, a family, a kingdom and an army. Why so many metaphors? How can the...

Calvin Mitchell
May 15, 20194 min read
The Pastor
I’m not, nor have I ever been an “ordained” pastor; neither has there ever been a calling on my life to become a pastor. Nevertheless, as...

Calvin Mitchell
Jun 19, 20184 min read
The Silent Church
“Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters.” – Jesus Christ Christendom in America really “has...

Calvin Mitchell
Jun 12, 20184 min read
‘One Thing’ Revisited
I’d like to share some very important truths from Christ’s encounter with the rich young ruler narrated in my previous blog post. This...

Calvin Mitchell
May 1, 20188 min read
There are not enough pages in the world to document what God accomplished in The Cross of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, I will in this...
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