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Calvin's Journal

Calvin Mitchell
Jun 6, 20195 min read
The FREE Gift?
True or False: There are some people that don’t deserve any mercy and there are many people that do deserve mercy. (WARNING: we’re...

Calvin Mitchell
May 1, 20188 min read
There are not enough pages in the world to document what God accomplished in The Cross of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, I will in this...

Calvin Mitchell
Apr 23, 20185 min read
Does an experience as universal as loneliness really require an eradicating cure? Can you even imagine a society in which loneliness...

Calvin Mitchell
Apr 18, 20185 min read
Revengeance for All!
You know what it’s like to be treated unjustly. Injustice stabs like a dagger–especially when the victim is one’s self. In a very real...

Calvin Mitchell
Apr 3, 20184 min read
How to be Perfect (Part 4)
We continue our Perfection Howto from Part 3 with Step Six.Step Six: Practice the pleasure of PROPERLY digesting the Bible on a regular...

Calvin Mitchell
Feb 27, 20184 min read
The Last Consumer
Descended from the Latin tongue, the word “consumer” by the 15th century had come to have a negative inference for “one who squanders or...

Calvin Mitchell
Jan 17, 20184 min read
The Kingdom
Before the universe(s) existed, the Kingdom of Heaven had been a thriving civilization. We know this because the Bible says that when God...

Calvin Mitchell
Aug 14, 20174 min read
Faith, Immunity and The Impossible
The purpose of religion is to escape damnation; the purpose of The Gospel is to immunize the human soul against Sin…completely and...

Calvin Mitchell
Jul 24, 20173 min read
The End of Guilt (Part 2)
What is the point of all religion (at least from a Western Civilization perspective)? TO ESCAPE DAMNATION. “…This is the Second Death,...
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